When you are finally done calorie counting this is for you...

I know how you feel. No one gets you. You have been trying to lose weight for a long time.

You have been trying to be healthier.

It just doesn't work or stick around.

And no one actually knows how to help you...

Lose weight
End adrenal fatigue
Stop you from getting sick
Drop your inflammation levels
Keep your hormones in check

They definitely don't treat you until you have it already, never listening to you trying to be pre-emptively trying to help yourself

And of course, they always accuse you that you are doing something

wrong even though you are doing all of the things right...

And the icing on the cake is when you talk to your family

about it they say “honey that’s just the way we are.

… the answer is... to Stop Counting Calories and End all Dieting using the Secret Energy of Food.

It’s time to rewrite your life! 

It’s time for more energy.

It’s time to release weight. 

It’s time for more life.

More freedom.


What is the Stop Counting Calories and End

all Dieting using the Secret Energy of Food exactly?

It is the power behind why you either feel good or feel crappy. 

It is the power behind your energy 

It is the power behind your sleep. 

It is the power behind your mental clarity. 

It is the power behind your health.  

Food is much more than just something we eat. 

Food is……

…how good we age 

…how much we weigh 

…how good our health is 

…how good we sleep 

…how much we eat 

…how good our metabolism is 

…how much money we make 

…how much patience we have 

…how good of sex we have ….. 

The list keeps going…

Meet the Dietitian who is teaching this exclusive program that only she has the privilege to teach

Leslie, serves high-achieving, rushing women using a signature Health Concierge plan so they can eat gourmet food and have the body they have always wanted. Leslie has 14 years of experience as a Registered Dietician. Her career began in the military, where she served in the U.S. Navy as a Registered Dietician for 3 years active and 8 years reserved. She then continued on to work for herself, where she created her own company Fit and Fabulous Family Nutrition.

Using her signature Health Concierge Service plan coupled with her expertise in emotional eating, neuroscience, psychology, wellness, and nutrition she brings you freedom from food and releases your emotions from food.

Here we become free souls enjoying food from all corners of the world while we look good in our pantsuits and swimsuits.

This 12-Week Course Includes: 

1 training per week for 12 weeks that will get you... 


More Energy 

Better Sleep 

Better Health 

Healthier Hair, Skin, and Nails 

Healthier Body 

Reduce Inflammation 

Decrease Illness 

Heal Disease 

Remove Food Issues 

Reverse Picky Eaters 

Ease Stress

Relieve Chronic Pain

"When I thought about going back on a diet I did at 16 I knew I needed help. I knew getting a dietitian and personal trainer was the right way to go"

"No more self-punishment, no more guilt
(even on pizza days). This is worth every penny. It's not some far-off goal, it's who I am"

~ Amy

"When I thought about going back on a diet I did at 16 I knew I needed help. I knew getting a dietitian and personal trainer was the right way to go"

"No more self-punishment, no more guilt
(even on pizza days). This is worth every penny. It's not some far-off goal, it's who I am"

~ Amy